LURE: Stunning fashion on film

A few years ago I was hired to go to London Fashion Week with a few presenters, to film & edit some short pieces that would end up on blog posts and as various social media sharables. Admittedly, fashion was a world I had never entered, or even aspired to – but it was thrilling to be there, essentially with an all access camera pass, filming fashion shows, escaping backstage to capture the buzz of hair and makeup and stylists and models. I got really into it; the scramble at the catwalk, the choreography, the music, the art of each piece of clothing being modelled. I cajoled with other photographers and camera operators, some ruthlessly, desperately looking to capture the perfect angle. Some were downright gentlemen, helping me and my short arse get some sort of shot. I witnessed the wannabes attempting to get noticed and those people who oozed effortless cool. I loved every second of it, even with the tough physical labor that being a camera op/editor involved. I’d jump at the opportunity to work at another fashion week again given the chance. Seeing this beautiful piece brought me straight back to those runways. I love the combination of fashion, design, animation, sound design. Gorgeous in every way

About littlebrick

Filmmaker & designer with fingers in many creative pies.
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